round 1
- Business, include: Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting
- Innovation, include: Engineering, Technology
- Hospitality, include: Tourism
- Medical Science, include: Health Science, Psychology, Biology
- Humanity and Social Science, include: Communication Science, Education and Law Participants will present the big theme in dif
1. A written idea abut sub categories which is linked to the big theme.
2. The idea should be displayed in a poster form (A3).
3. Each team must consist 3-5 studernts and every student can only participate in only one sub category.
4. Team member can be for 1 faculty or across faculties.
5. Poster should be written in English.
The big theme for 2021 competition is: “GETTING TO KNOW MY COUNTRY/CITY”.
This is a video competition where each team can only submit 1 video with duration between 3-5 minutes. Video concept can be: vlog video presentation, song, poetry, and else but not animation or documentary.
- Each team must consist 3-5 students and every student can only participate in only one video.
- Team member can be for 1 faculty or across faculties.
- Video should be 3-5 mins long.
- Each group can only submit 1 video.
“The winner for each sub category will participate in the final round of
The 1st Asean International Student
Competitions 2021″
Registration |
1st Mei – 25th Mei 2021 |
Registration Deadline |
25th Mei 2021 |
Program Intro Session |
27th Mei 2021 |
Poster and Video Submission |
27th Mei – 27th June 2021 |
In-Country Selection |
5th July 2021 |
Poster Presentation |
15-16th July 2021 |
1st Round Winner Announcement |
30th July 2021 |
Competition Announcement |
10th June 2021 |
Deadline for Registration |
30th June 2021 |
Poster Submission |
20th July 2021 |
In-Country Selection |
28th July 2021 |
1st Round Winner Announcement |
30th July 2021 |
Deadline for Registration |
30th June 2021 |
Poster Submission |
23rd July 2021 |
In-Country Selection |
28th July 2021 |
1st Round Winner Announcement |
30th July 2021 |
Deadline for Registration |
10th June 2021 |
Poster and Video Submission |
15th July 2021 |
Selection |
28-29th July 2021 |
1st Round Winner Announcement |
30th July 2021 |
Deadline for Registration |
June 30, 2021 |
Poster Submission |
July 23, 2021 |
PUP Branches and Campuses Selection |
July 28, 2021 |
1st Round Winner Announcement |
July 31, 2021 |
AISC Winner List
Winner announcement for 1st round competition for Indonesia
Winner announcement for 1st round competition for Thailand
Please click here!
Winner announcement for 1st round competition for Philipine
Winner announcement for 1st round competition for malaysia
round 2
Timeline for 2nd Round
Please, Clik Here!
1. | 9th August – 31 August 2021 | Open the 2nd round submission |
2. | 1st September – 7th September 2021 | Distribution by committe |
3. | 7th September – 7th October 2021 | Judging time |
4. | 8th October – 14th October 2021 | Preparation for announcement |
5. | 18th October 2021 | Announcement |
The big theme for 2021 competition is: ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Participants will present the big theme in different perspective based on the categories and sub categories stated. This big theme breaks down to some categories and sub categories, such as:
- Business, include: Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting Innovation, include: Engineering, Technology
- Hospitality, include: Tourism
- Medical Science, include: Health science, Psychology, Biology Humanity and social science, include: communication science and law
- There will be 2 rounds competition where the 1st round will be held by each co-host in their university
- Competition in 1st round can be openned to other Universities within country or in internal co-host only
- Co-host University has authority to choose the winner in the 1st round
- The winner for the 1st round will participate in the international students competition where they will compete with another students from different country
- If any other countries (apart from co-hosts countries) participate in this competition, they will automatically join the 2nd round
important date