Poster Brief Contest Guide

  1. Poster is the results of written idea in groups of 3-5 members.
  2. Members may be from one faculty or across faculties.
  3. The submitted work has never been published or has never been included in another competition, as evidenced by a statement from the team leader with a stamp of IDR. 10. 000.
  4. Participants may use any application as long as it meets the criteria.
  5. Participants include the name of their home university in the Poster work file.
  6. The use of visuals, typography and other elements must be in the category of free royalty or have been confirmed as safe under copyright.
  7. Posters are collected with the following file name format: Name of team leader_Home University_Sub Category code.
  8. Posters are submitted to the link provided the least 27th June 2021
  9. The poster must have anatomy: Title, Member Name, AISC Logo, Problem background, ideas / solutions offered, Conclusion, the poster must contain Visual Strengthening ideas, without offending SARA, containing references used.



Sub Category code



  1. Management (01.01)
  2. Marketing (02.02)
  3. Finance (03.03)
  4. Accounting (04.04)



  1. Engineering (02.01)
  2. Technology (02.02)



  1. Tourism (03.01)


Medical Science

  1. Health Science (04.01)
  2. Psychology (04.02)
  3. Biology (04.03)


Humanity And Social Science

  1. Communication Science (05.01)
  2. Education (05.02)
  3. Law (05.03)